A parent carer forum is a motivated group of local parents and carers whose children and young people have SEN and/or disabilities
Their aim is to try and make a positive difference so that services in their area get better at meeting the needs of all SEND. families.
They do this by gathering the views of local families and by working in partnership with local authorities, education settings, health providers and other providers to highlight where local services are working well, or challenge when changes or improvements need to be made.
Contact is the delivery partner of the Department for Education in supporting parent carer forums in England.
The Work of the Parent Carer Forum in North Northamptonshire is funded by the Department of Education (DFE)
Northamptonshire Parent Carer Voices will cover North Northamptonshire, however it will maintain a county view as we feel it's important to represent a holistic view when working with cross county services. We want to ensure we can really amplify your VOICES & make sure decision makers & leader’s understand parent carer lives & experiences because if you don’t understand how things impact our families, you can’t make the right choices.